Christmas time is a special time of being with family, friends, and people that are held dear to the heart. It is also about laughter, joy, peace, and making memories. Traditions of having presents appear under or near the tree on the morning of December 25th is a way to celebrate gift giving, especially with smaller children. Playing various games with family of all ages or gathering for food makes for many traditions of celebration. Most importantly, Christmas time is about Jesus Christ of Nazareth being born into this world to teach, preach, glorify Father God, lay down His life, and to be resurrected giving anyone the opportunity to be born again. Some like to argue over the exact date but having a specific date to celebrate His birth is at the heart of this holiday. Even as many can agree on these things when people take their eyes off of Jesus Christ and place their attention on iimaginery figures this diludes the meaning of Christmas. Christians are to let their light shine before men to give glory to God in Heaven (Matthew 5:16). This includes seeking God’s kingdom and His righteousness (Matthew 6:33). Everything that is conducted or said within the lives of Christians are to glorify God (1 Corinthians 10:31; Colossians 3:17). Christians are to bear witness of the Light of God, Jesus Christ, not the tales of others (John 1:8). It has been said what if a person teaches their child there is an imaginery figure that leaves presents and does magical things at Christmas but when that child is older understands they have been lied to for the sake of Christmas fun what keeps that now older child from doubting all the marvelous things that God actually does through His Son Jesus Christ? Again, Christmas can have fun and be full of memories or clean traditions only conducted around this time of year but Christians should use this time of year to share about the wonderful news of the birth of a Savior (Luke 2:9-18) that came to this world to make a way for all to be born again and receive everlasting life (John 1:12; John 6:40). Without walking cautiously Christians can be more influenced by the world and its tales or culture as opposed to being an influence on the world to reflect the culture of the kingdom of Heaven. When the world has more influence on Christians than the things of God this is spiritual adultery (James 4:4; 1 John 2:15-17; Romans 12:2). One of the influences that should be evident is the grace of God within the lives of His people. The grace of God teaches Christians to reject and renounce all ungodliness and worldly desires and to live upright, devout, spiritually whole lives in this present world (Titus 2:11-12). The reason God’s grace teaches His people this is for them to look forward to the coming of Jesus Christ Who gave Himself on their behalf to redeem them from all their sins and to purify them to be eager and enthusiastic about living a life for God (Titus 2:13-14). Sadly, some Christians turn to fables of the world to compromise their telling of Jesus Christ during the celebration of His birth, death, and resurrection with imaginery figures that represent more of the world than anything that has to reflect the kingdom of God. May Christians begin to pick up the mantle of the reason of not only the seaon but the reason they were created, to worship and commune with God. For more information about Abundant Grace Church visit
In general, the modern church has given over to the spirit of religiosity by becoming therapeutic to the attendees of the assembly. By accommodating to the desires of the public, church services of these organizations are now the feel-good injections of false hope and half-truths that do not change the people looking for the true hope and full truth of God and His Word. The word therapeutic means producing a useful or favorable result or effect, having an effect on the body or the mind. Part of this demon’s ability to use therapeutic methods accommodates anything the body or mind desires. Some of the therapeutic changes include: no offense in messages (no negative aspects or conviction), removing the necessity of salvation and holiness, fewer crosses or steeples, removal of communion, appealing to the unchurched (secular appearance and activities), focus on videos, music, drama, or other arts that are secular in nature, adding exercise gyms, spas, locker rooms, etc., adding various franchises on church property, removing the necessity of tithes and offerings, removing references to the blood of Jesus, marketing Jesus in a different view rather than from the Bible, and many more. This accommodation also includes sin while presenting a façade of Christianity (2 Timothy 3:5). When churches become therapeutic they are seeking a favorable result to their motives and not to the eternal benefit of people. Although there may be an effect on the body or mind, eternity is based on the response of spiritual (1 Corinthians 2:14). There must be a change in the spirit and application of the spiritual principles to connect each individual to God (Galatians 5:16). Only focusing on the natural is not only a ploy of the spirit of religiosity but this demon desires this to keep people from being prepared in their spiritual ability to obtain victory (1 Corinthians 2:15). When God’s people are spiritual, as God desires them to be, they examine, investigate, and question all things. When they are spiritual they also have the Holy Spirit to help them in their weaknesses (Romans 8:26). This interaction does not sound like therapeutic desires but a submission to God reflecting a true relationship with Him. When people take on the newer ideology of religiosity there is a belief that God wants people to be nice and happy. This creates the therapeutic mindset that as long as people are nice, happy, and believe that God exists then they are right in God’s eyes. God did not establish His kingdom to work in this manner (Romans 12:21; John 16:33; 1 Corinthians 15:57-58). God’s people are called to be overcomers not to be given therapeutic bandaids to administer to gashing wounds. Therapeutic methods accommodate to solidify the pleasure of self as the normal method of living but this directly opposes God and His Word. The enemies of this therapeutic goal of religiosity are marked as standing in the way of people’s happiness (2 Timothy 4:2). Paul’s letter to Timothy displays how the therapeutic methods of religiosity go directly against the Word of God. Why do so many churches or Christians allow this demon to tend to them? The answer is the pleasing of the flesh rather than having a true relationship with God. This is the height of religiosity that is manipulated to not recognize the need to change by this same demon. When accommodations are made it is easier to not face the truth and deceive oneself as being in right standing with God. May Christians overcome this spirit of religiosity and have a true relationship with God through Jesus. For more information visit
There is a spirit in the region that has a stronghold within some churches and within the hearts of some people. This is the spirit of religion also known as religiosity. Religiosity is a feeling or a quality of being religious through action while not actively having a relationship with God. Just as a person who is married should not have the quality, feeling, or obligation to their marriage as a state of being, but instead should be so involved in their relationship with their spouse to express devotion as a fruit of their love. When the spirit of religiosity is allowed there are more actions or words that are not motivated by a heart of love and servitude to God (Isaiah 29:13; Matthew 15:8; Jeremiah 2:5). This is the opposite of how God designed mankind to interact with Him. Losing the purpose of believing in God is dangerous and leads to religiosity. Mankind was created to worship God and have fellowship with Him (Isaiah 43:7; Colossians 1:15-16). Religiosity blinds participants by having the right action but without a relationship with God. The Apostle Paul describes this as having a form of godliness but denying the power of Him interacting in these people's lives (2 Timothy 3:5). The spirit of religiosity can present the façade of a relationship with God through acts of religion but the relationship may have ceased to exist long ago. Every Christian must walk with God daily through Bible study, prayer, worship, being in the house of God, and being led by the Spirit of God. Even these actions must not be from a routine of habit or obligation but from a sincere heart’s desire to be intimate with God. In discussing this spirit of religiosity two main ditches represent the heart of how it operates within people, the legalistic method and the deceptive method. The best example of the legalistic method is Martha. Martha is hosting Jesus in her home yet Martha does not find it permissible for her sister, Mary, to sit at the feet of Jesus to worship, sacrifice, and honor Him (Luke 10:38-40). Martha’s distraction was her work but she could not get passed the facts of Mary not being legalistic in her works like herself (Luke 10:41-42). He knew that Mary was seeking intimate time with Him as opposed to being focused on religious works like Martha. Works alone do not constitute a right standing with God (Romans 9:32). Knowing Jesus helps people to understand God and how He desires to fellowship with mankind. Christians are to have a work ethic for God but not in a legalistic manner. A purified heart seeks to get close to God and in return, He draws close (James 2:17; James 2:24; Matthew 7:22-23). A work ethic should be produced from love created by a pure heart and faith reflecting a relationship with God. The best example of the deceptive method is Judas Iscariot (John 12:3-7). Judas was a deceiver and had used the ministry not only for his gain, but he covered his actions under the cloak of Jesus’ name and character. This describes how some Christians use ministry, another person’s ministry, or the name of Jesus to hide their personal motives, schemes, and sins. Christians are to not hide behind their label and live how they desire. God’s people must be humble, walk with Him in sincerity, and cast down any ideas or doctrines that contradict the Word. In doing this, the demon of religiosity will not be able to penetrate the heart of Christians. For more information visit
AuthorCaleb Andrews Archives
September 2024
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