There is a spirit in the region that has a stronghold within some churches and within the hearts of some people. This is the spirit of religion also known as religiosity. Religiosity is a feeling or a quality of being religious through action while not actively having a relationship with God. Just as a person who is married should not have the quality, feeling, or obligation to their marriage as a state of being, but instead should be so involved in their relationship with their spouse to express devotion as a fruit of their love. When the spirit of religiosity is allowed there are more actions or words that are not motivated by a heart of love and servitude to God (Isaiah 29:13; Matthew 15:8; Jeremiah 2:5). This is the opposite of how God designed mankind to interact with Him. Losing the purpose of believing in God is dangerous and leads to religiosity. Mankind was created to worship God and have fellowship with Him (Isaiah 43:7; Colossians 1:15-16). Religiosity blinds participants by having the right action but without a relationship with God. The Apostle Paul describes this as having a form of godliness but denying the power of Him interacting in these people's lives (2 Timothy 3:5). The spirit of religiosity can present the façade of a relationship with God through acts of religion but the relationship may have ceased to exist long ago. Every Christian must walk with God daily through Bible study, prayer, worship, being in the house of God, and being led by the Spirit of God. Even these actions must not be from a routine of habit or obligation but from a sincere heart’s desire to be intimate with God. In discussing this spirit of religiosity two main ditches represent the heart of how it operates within people, the legalistic method and the deceptive method. The best example of the legalistic method is Martha. Martha is hosting Jesus in her home yet Martha does not find it permissible for her sister, Mary, to sit at the feet of Jesus to worship, sacrifice, and honor Him (Luke 10:38-40). Martha’s distraction was her work but she could not get passed the facts of Mary not being legalistic in her works like herself (Luke 10:41-42). He knew that Mary was seeking intimate time with Him as opposed to being focused on religious works like Martha. Works alone do not constitute a right standing with God (Romans 9:32). Knowing Jesus helps people to understand God and how He desires to fellowship with mankind. Christians are to have a work ethic for God but not in a legalistic manner. A purified heart seeks to get close to God and in return, He draws close (James 2:17; James 2:24; Matthew 7:22-23). A work ethic should be produced from love created by a pure heart and faith reflecting a relationship with God. The best example of the deceptive method is Judas Iscariot (John 12:3-7). Judas was a deceiver and had used the ministry not only for his gain, but he covered his actions under the cloak of Jesus’ name and character. This describes how some Christians use ministry, another person’s ministry, or the name of Jesus to hide their personal motives, schemes, and sins. Christians are to not hide behind their label and live how they desire. God’s people must be humble, walk with Him in sincerity, and cast down any ideas or doctrines that contradict the Word. In doing this, the demon of religiosity will not be able to penetrate the heart of Christians. For more information visit
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AuthorCaleb Andrews Archives
September 2024
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