In modern times the truth, especially the truth of God, has been hidden or modified to not offend others. When this takes place the truth is no longer truth but a lie due to being a modification to the truth (Deuteronomy 4:2). What happens when the people of God change the truth and do not allow the prick of truth within a person’s heart to lead them to salvation? Let’s see this broken down by definition. A prick is defined as a pointed instrument or weapon, to affect with remorse (a sense of guilt), or to be discomforted. The truth is not only Jesus Christ (John 14:6) but the Word of God (John 1:14; Ephesians 1:13; 2 Timothy 2:15). With these definitions in mind, the prick of truth is the Word of God doing its job to bring remorse for sins or creating discomfort of the sinful life being lived by that person. The Word of God is not only a sword (Ephesians 6:17) but it is also sharper than any two-edged sword that pierces the soul and spirit discerning the thoughts and intents of the heart (Hebrews 4:12). The Word of God is designed to prick the hearts of people from all walks of life, including Christians. When the Apostle Peter preached to the crowd curious to see what was happening on the day of Pentecost, the Gospel of Jesus Christ pricked their hearts and they asked how to be born again (Acts 2:37). Every one of them gave their hearts and lives to Jesus and became believers! Even when a church can gather a multitude of people it does not mean the truth is being preached to that gathering allowing the prick of truth to change the lives and eternities of the people present (2 Timothy 4:3-4). Why are some pastors and Christians more concerned about being and making other people comfortable while the Word of God specifically says that is not what the truth will do? What happens in the absence of truth? Lies and fables begin to be the discussion with no resistance. The truth of God must be heard, obeyed, and given at any time or any place. The truth of God should bring conviction and healing to all those who hear it (2 Corinthians 7:9-10; John 16:8; 2 Timothy 3:16). Conviction is the act or process of finding a person guilty when admitting truth. Condemnation is having a sentence pronounced upon a person for being wrong. There is a difference in these words and the truth behind them. Religious people will describe conviction as condemnation to excuse the prick of truth. Conviction should help to not continue in wrong doing while condemnation only pushes a person further into depression without hope. Conviction should make a criminal feel remorse for the crime committed while condemnation is the sentence that must be carried out. In the spiritual, conviction should motivate people to seek forgiveness from God to not commit sinful acts against Him while condemnation is used by the devil to separate a person from being made free with the truth of God’s Word (John 8:32). Knowing Jesus as Savior is the only way to be made free from sin and the sentence of hell for eternity (John 14:6-7; 3:3). The truth will heal lives if it is obeyed. Have you felt that prick of truth in your heart and life? Don’t brush off that conviction but yield to it by having a relationship with God today. For more information about salvation and our church visit
It is no secret that this spirit has been around since the fall of mankind (Genesis 4). This spirit has taken root within the hearts and minds of people from all walks of life and is successful on many occasions. Big cities and their crime issues are one thing that may come to mind but what about those in this region that carry this same spirit creating the same issues but on a slightly different level? Watching headlines and seeing the physical murders of people in this region is still troubling. What about the same spirit of murder but instead of using a weapon for physical death they use their mouth to kill a person’s reputation, their confidence, and their influence with others? This happens more times than people would like to admit. Many Christians know it is wrong to murder (Exodus 20:13; Deuteronomy 5:17; Leviticus 24:17) but they will still use their mouth to run down a church, a pastor or preacher, other Christians, or just people within the community. This is the same spirit of murder (1 John 3:15; Matthew 5:21-22; 1 John 3:12; John 8:44). When the devil can penetrate a church, a church leader, or Christians in general to have this spirit about them he wins a major victory against God’s army. Because those being used by this spirit do not commit the physical act of murder they see it as innocent or not a sin in God’s eyes. God views those who conduct such actions as having a lying tongue, haughty eyes of pride, shedding innocent blood who are serving God, a heart that is devising evil, feet that are running to make evil, a false witness, and sowing discord among Christians which are all abominations in God’s eyes (Proverbs 6:16-19). These actions are lies of the devil and have plagued this region for far too long. Christians must join together as one army of God fighting for His truth, His Word, and His glory. Most of these lies begin with someone getting offended while not being part of the situation, whether within a specific church, congregation, or even situation regarding people outside the church. Instead of handling these issues biblically and getting to the root of the problem if it involves them, ignoring gossip involving others, or talking to someone who is involved in the truth of the matter the lies get bigger and juicier to draw positive attention to the one speaking and reflecting negative attention on the same speaker’s life to hide their own sin and shortcomings. This can even happen among a whole group of people believing this is proper by adding the phrase, “bless their heart” while condemning themselves in the eyes of the God they declare they serve because of this spirit of murder. God does not desire for anyone to perish or be separated from Him so those who participate with this spirit should turn and live for God (Ezekiel 18:32). God holds those who choose to participate in this sin as guilty unless they repent (Exodus 23:7). The spirit of murder begins in the heart and proceeds out of the mouth (Matthew 15:18-19). Anyone committing this sin must repent to be in right standing with God (1 Timothy 6:3-5; Galatians 5:19-21; Hebrews 10:26). May Christians everywhere begin to see this spirit of murder for its true motive to break apart the kingdom of God and use the common ground of serving God as the bond to hold His army together for victory. You cannot love God if you cannot love your brother (1 John 4:20).
AuthorCaleb Andrews Archives
September 2024
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