One of the most powerful tools that every person has is their mouth. While some use this tool to bring about good things, others choose to use it to bring about bad things. The mouth, more biblically accurate as the tongue, has the power of death and life inside it (Proverbs 18:21). Although some may say they have control over their mouth the fruit of their life may reflect a different story (Proverbs 18:21). Every person’s life is a product of the mouth they have used while living. If a person has a bad life, it is generally from the mouth confessing that evil report over themselves. Even when a person has had bad situations dealt to them those that arise from the ashes use their mouth to confess the change that is coming and bring it to pass. The mouth declares faith. Faith in a car brand, faith in a sports team, faith in God, or a lack of faith in God. What the mouth speaks depends of the person. This is why the mouth is a powerful tool that every person has at their disposal to use to build up or to tear down. People use this powerful tool in an array of methods. Lying, gossip, slander, and guile are all sins of the mouth that people tend to fall into while others choose to run to sin with their mouths. The mouth reflects the true character of the heart. Jesus discussed that the mouth of a good man out of the good treasure of his heart will produce good while the mouth of an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart will produce evil (Luke 6:45). What kind of treasure do we have within our hearts? The answer is revealed in what comes out of our mouths. Lying is defined as untrue statements. Lying no matter what size or means is an abomination unto God (Proverbs 12:22). Gossip is defined as revealing personal or sensational facts, rumors, or chatty talk. Gossip will be another person’s blood on the gossiper’s hands before God (Leviticus 19:16). Slander is defined as to defame someone, false charges or a misrepresentation. Slander brings an evil report that is incorrect (Numbers 31:32). Guile is defined as duplicity, deceitfulness, or only telling the good part to make oneself look good or correct. Guile should not be found in the mouth of people (Psalm 34:13). Why do so many choose to use this powerful tool for a source of evil when the same tool can be used to build so many good things? Why not talk to God in prayer about things that have been heard as opposed to gossiping to everyone about the same issue? Some might say, “But the other person and I talk about praying for them after we discuss the story.” That is code for being religious and making oneself feel better about their gossiping. That is still gossip in God’s eyes. A good rule of thumb to keep from gossip is to consider what is being said, who it is being said to, and what can that person do to correct the issue. If that person does not have the authority to fix the situation it is gossip. Proper uses of the mouth are prayer (1 Timothy 2:1), exhortation (Hebrews 3:13), edification (Romans 14:19), blessing (Genesis 49:28), thanksgiving (Hebrews 13:15), declaring (Job 22:28), and professing (Hebrews 10:23). The mouth is a powerful tool that everyone will be judged for before God (Matthew 12:36-37). May we all use this powerful tool correctly.
Christians today are having to choose which Jesus are they going to believe in and serve. To hear some people’s description of Jesus, He walked right out of Woodstock and into the temple to serve God in peace and love yet allows a lifestyle of each individual’s choosing. For some Christians to hear this it seems like a made-up fairytale, but this type of Jesus is being taught to many people in today’s time. This type of Jesus is not the Jesus found within the holy Scriptures. Does the Bible describe Jesus as loving? Yes. Jesus loved mankind past, present, and future enough to give His life for the sins and redemption of everyone (1 John 4:19, Galatians 2:20, John 15:13). Does Jesus give peace? Yes. Jesus is the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6, John 14:27, John 16:33). Does Jesus allow a lifestyle for people to live how they desire? No. Jesus gives instructions and describes the life that Christians are to live according to God’s standard and Word (Matthew 16:24, Matthew 10:38, Matthew 5:48, Matthew 28:20, Matthew 7:16-21). People must be careful of who they are listening to when it comes to which Jesus is being described. Not everyone comes in the true name of Jesus sharing Who He is biblically. Some are anti-Christ. This reflects a spirit about them leading some people to believe Jesus is the exact opposite of Who He is (2 Corinthians 11:13-15, 1 John 4:1, 2 Peter 2:1-3, 1 Timothy 6:3-5, Matthew 7:15, Jude 4). These people are led by their sinful nature and give deception to those that listen to them all for greed. Whether the greed is money, growing a bigger crowd, or having more money this perversion will not go unjudged by God. The danger in this situation is that there is no current judgment of the lies of these false teachers so people believe these false teachers due to this type of Christianity being easier to live for self. Having someone tell them that Jesus died for them and now they can live however they want to makes for a perfect breeding ground for the spiritual enemy to thrive within that person’s life. Christians must combat this type of false description of Jesus described as a Woodstock Jesus and begin to know, teach, and live by the words of the biblical Jesus. There is a sad day coming for those that will be awakened by the coming of the biblical Jesus. As people are judged for eternity it will be too late to correct their beliefs and understanding of Who Jesus is (Revelations 22:18). It is important for people to understand now Who Jesus is according to the Bible, have a personal relationship with Him, and to live how He says to live to make it to heaven for all eternity. For those that believe these lies of a Woodstock Jesus they do not know Jesus (Matthew 7:23). People must be born again through Jesus Christ (John 3:3, John 3:5, John 3:7, 2 Corinthians 5:17, John 3:16-18). Christians must then live a life pleasing unto God and not full of sin (1 John 3:4-10, Romans 6:23, 1 John 5:18, Galatians 5:16). There is a showdown coming between this false Woodstock Jesus that is man-made to please the flesh and the biblical Jesus Who is the Word made flesh, the Apostle of our profession, a Governor, Head of the church, Holy One of God, Lord of Glory, and the Truth. May Christians know the biblical Jesus.
AuthorCaleb Andrews Archives
September 2024
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