For many years there has been a decline in the morals and standard of living spiritually and in the natural. The answer has been and still is the lack of Christian men of valor. Valor is defined as the strength of mind or spirit that enables a person to encounter danger with firmness or personal bravery. Now a person could say, “Encounter danger?” Yes, danger to family (spiritually or physically), danger to religion (threat of not being able to worship publicly or privately), danger to the standard of morals that are the foundation of living with one another no matter the location, etc. Fathers are to raise their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4). Nurture is the training of the body, emotions, and spirit. Admonition is training the mind. As Christian men of valor have begun to disappear for various reasons in the past the decline in each of these areas began. This world needs Christian men of valor to rise up and raise their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord again. As Christian men or even leaders, part of the responsibilities of this role is teaching the Word of God to keep the standard of living in the manner God desires (Deuteronomy 4:9). Someone may say, “I don’t agree with the Bible.” Does that person desire their possessions to be stolen, their family harmed, or to be done wrong in any manner? Of course not. The Bible teaches people not only how to live for God but how to live at peace with those around them. Not only are our children in need of this training but also spiritual children, also known as disciples, need this training. If Christian men of valor do not arise to fill this role, the decline of morals and especially the decline of the Christian faith will continue. When the proper leaders do not arise to the occasion, leaders of some sort will arise that may not be what is needed or even what is desired by the people. When light is absent, darkness will fill the void. As men, especially men of God, we should be innocent and blameless (not perfect but having our wrongs forgiven through Jesus) children of God even in the middle of a perverted nation or generation to be a light of God to all the people around us (Philippians 2:15). As mentioned above, Christian men should be training others how to care for their bodies, care for their families, care for their homes, and how to walk with God by studying the Bible, praying, and being involved in the local church God has ordained them to be part of. Many men understand the training of how to change the oil in a vehicle, how to shower, and which sports team to root for, but many lack how to train for spiritual growth. It may be due to not having a proper walk with God themselves, but until a generation chooses to arise as Christian men of valor nothing will change. This world needs true Christian men of valor to arise and stand against the perversion and darkness of sin and its minions to bring change as well as victory to generations now and for the future. There cannot be a lack of church attendance (Hebrews 10:25), prayer (Ephesians 6:18), Bible study (2 Timothy 3:16-17), or discipleship (Matthew 28:19). Each of these elements creates Christian men of valor. May Christian men of valor arise everywhere to help generations to live brighter and better for God.
When a person gives their heart and life to God as a Christian they have no reason to go back to the world (the sinful nature). The sinful nature of mankind is at war with the spirit of every believer of Jesus Christ. Since Christians belong to Jesus Christ, they should not join themselves to anyone or anything else that reflects sin (1 Corinthians 6:15-17). When a person is truly a Christian there is more than just a confession of the mouth that makes them in right standing with God. There is a lifestyle that God expects to be followed to honor Him and give Him glory and praise. Every person that has given their life to Jesus Christ does not belong to themselves but to God because they have been bought with a price, the precious blood of Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). Being the temple of the Holy Ghost requires a person to be holy and clean reflecting the changes made by the Spirit of God that now presides within that person. Belonging to the world is in direct opposition to God and His standard of living (James 4:4). Christians cannot be friends with the world, the sinful nature that is birthed within every person since the fall of mankind through Adam in Genesis. The spiritual enemies of Christians seek to make merchandise off them (2 Peter 2:3). This makes a mockery of God due to the humiliation of those that declare to belong to Him but choose to serve the sinful nature. God delivered Lot from the destruction of a sinful area because he was a just man in God’s eyes (2 Peter 2:7-8). Lot’s wife was a different outcome because she turned to look back at Sodom and Gomorrha which cost her everything (Genesis 19:26). She disobeyed in looking back not only with her eyes but with her heart desiring something within the sinful area she was not ready to give up yet. Christians cannot look back, much less turn back, to the world in a desire to return to the sin, corruption, or temptation that it contains. To truly live a Christian life is to submit and obey God in everything He commands (John 14:15). To return to the world and sin is like a dog returning to his vomit (2 Peter 2:22). There is nothing of the sinful nature to really go back to but the falsities of the enemy makes even the worst previous experience seem so pleasant through deception. Every person will give an account for their own sins and the life they chose to live (Ezekiel 18:19). There is hope present when a sinner repents (chooses to confess and turn away) of sin, does what is right, and obeys the Word of God (Ezekiel 18:21). Sin is not held against anyone that follows this method of repentance and forgiveness (Ezekiel 18:22). If a Christian turns away from God and backs toward sin, as a lifestyle, their sin is held against them (Ezekiel 18:24). Christians must stay focused on God and not return to the world no matter the cost. How does a person stay focused on God and not return to the world? They have their mind renewed by the Word of God everyday (Romans 12:2). Christians must have the mind of Christ and not return to the sinful nature or the world that they were delivered from.
Peace is defined as prosperity, quietness, rest, or being set at one again. Many people in today’s times seek to have peace but try to obtain it in the wrong places. Some people try alcohol, some try drugs, some try sexual pleasure, some try gaining money, some try making a name for themselves in pride, or some other means outside of having a relationship with Jesus Christ as their Savior. In Matthew 10, Jesus tells His disciples that whatever area they go into to seek a person or people to give their peace to as the disciples declare the good news of God (Matthew 10:11-13). Jesus also said if no one there listens to their words about God, making them unworthy of their peace, to let their peace return unto them and shake off even the dust of the area from their shoes (Matthew 10:13-14). Imagine Jesus giving the command to His disciples, those that do not listen and obey the Gospel of Jesus Christ will not have the peace of God. People that choose to serve God and have a relationship with Him will have the Prince of Peace in their lives (Isaiah 9:6). Christians must be careful that those individuals who do not have the peace of God in their lives do not rob the peace within their lives. They should not let the peaceless people’s words or their actions steal peace or hinder a walk with God. IF a person wants peace they must walk with God. In 2 Chronicles, the people of Israel had been in a long season of not walking with God, having a pastor, or applying God’s Word to their lives creating a lack of peace (2 Chronicles 15:3, 5). When they chose to look for God, when things were getting bad in their lives, they found Him but they had a habit of turning away from God after He delivered them (2 Chronicles 15:4). This is the cycle that some people choose to live. When peace is completely taken away they seek God, obtain His peace again, and then walk away when everything is good again. That is not the relationship design God intended to have with mankind. He desires to have a lifelong walk with every person. It is the people that choose to have their minds on God and trust in Him that have the peace of God in their lives (Isaiah 26:3). In John 14, Jesus discusses any person that will love Him and God will obey the Word of God as the holy standard of living and how to know God (John 14:23-26). Jesus describes the peace that comes with such a lifestyle that only comes from Him because the world and the things of the world cannot give the same peace Jesus gives (John 14:27). The world’s peace is temporary and not as fulfilling as the peace that Jesus gives His people. The peace of God passes all understanding (Philippians 4:7). IF you want peace walk with God. He can give you so much more than anything the world can offer but most importantly what He offers is holy, pure, and eternal. IF anyone will confess their sin, God is faithful and just to forgive and cleanse us from ALL our sins (1 John 1:9). May you have the peace of God knowing Jesus as your Savior, peace in serving God, and peace that your eternity will be in Heaven because of your relationship with God.
Some Christians believe it is their duty to go to church, hear the preacher talk about God, sing a song or two about God, and then conduct life as they desire. The Bible gives a different description of how a Christian is supposed to live. In the book of James, it says to get rid of all filth and evil, and humbly accept the word of God because it has the ability to save a person’s soul (James 1:21). There is an action that is required within this verse. Yes, there is faith that receives the Word of God, but there is action to get rid of filth and evil. Christians are not to be hearers only, but people who put action to the Word of God or that person is only fooling themselves (James 1:22). This point is so important to God that He inspired James to write this down for everyone to read and understand. Obedience is so important that the writer of Hebrews describes Jesus as the perfect High Priest that became the source for eternal salvation for all those who obey Him (Hebrews 5:9). God desires for people to know Him, love Him, and obey Him. God does not desire this to be a dictator but a good Father that wants a real relationship with His children. Not all people are the children of God. Only those that obey God are His children (1 John 2:3-6). Having been born on the planet earth does not constitute a person having a relationship with God, but submitting to and obeying God makes a person a child of God. The Apostle Paul, again inspired by God, wrote to take note of anyone that refused to obey the Word of God and warn that person of their disobedience (2 Thessalonians 3:14-15). Christians must read the Word of God, pray, go to church, and also obey God. These elements create the formula for a true walk with God. For some people, there is a desire to obey but another person begins to hinder them from obeying the truth of God (Galatians 3:1). This should not be the testimony of any Christian. Christians must obey God no matter the cost. For many people the cost is someone talking about them, having to say no when sinful people want them to say yes, or declaring their love for Jesus when it is unpopular. People will either obey one of two options: sin or God. When a person has a true walk with God sin does not reign in the mortal body (Romans 6:14). Christians are to obey the Word of God and practice holiness. Whoever a person obeys is who they belong to (1 John 3:3-8). This is why it is important for Christians to obey God. Christians must declare and display love and commitment to Jesus Christ in these last days or He will deny them before God reflecting their eternal choice (Matthew 10:33). May Christians obey God by living out His Word, praying, and being faithful to His house, the local church.
AuthorCaleb Andrews Archives
September 2024
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