This old saying has more of a biblical background than many people realize. Jacob knew how to create his flock by making a deal with Laban, whose flock Jacob was in charge of keeping (Genesis 30:29-33). Jacob begins to place branches of poplar, almond, and plane trees where the flocks mated (Genesis 30:37). The lambs born during this event were streaked, speckled, and spotted, so Jacob was able to keep them according to his deal with Laban (Genesis 30:39-40). The idea of becoming what one beholds is not only present when being around people, but what one beholds gets within that person and typically gives birth to whatever that something is. When people are around lawless, rebellious, or religious people it will breed lawlessness, rebellion, and religiosity. When people are around clean, holy, and biblical people it will breed cleanliness, holiness, and a living epistle of the Word of God. Bad people corrupt good character (1 Corinthians 15:33). When seeking to live for God, people must surround themselves with others who walk with God. Religious people who have a form of godliness but deny the power of God in their lives can only produce people of the same caliber (2 Timothy 3:5). The fruit of one’s life is the revealing agent of who they truly are in character (Matthew 7:16, 20). This, among many other reasons, is why every person needs to find a local church with a local pastor God has called them to not just attend but to be part of the body of believers there. People will make sacrifices for their kids or themselves to the college they dream of, save money for the vehicle they dream of, or work hard to get the position at work they dream of, but many will not invest in ensuring they surround themselves with godly people to remain godly in an ungodly world. With the world so full of ungodliness and anti-Christ agendas, Christians need to have uncompromised, the Word of God living, bold people of God to be around so their faith in God and belief in His Word does not diminish. When people behold a lukewarm social gathering, they will adapt themselves to that gathering. When people behold a hiding sin in the closet leader, they will begin to hide sin in their closet. But when people behold an imperfect, quick-to-repent, Bible-speaking, and Bible-believing leader, they will follow suit (1 Timothy 3:1-13). This type of leader should be found within the home, on the job, within the government, and especially within the church. Christians do not need a person to become another idol or cool trendsetter, they need a holy man or woman of God to lead them in the paths of righteousness that will help not only their eternity but their present state of living (Hebrews 13:7). Pastor Titus Maraifu from Africa has said, “To be great one must rub elbows with greatness”. To apply it here, a person becomes what they behold. Christians must behold the holy God they declare they serve (1 Peter 1:16). They should allow the Holy Spirit to be within them making the changes and leading them throughout their lives. Beholding the Holy Spirit will make that person holy (Romans 8:14; John 16:13; Galatians 5:16). May Christians no longer behold the world, its culture, and anti-Christ doctrines but may Christians everywhere behold God through a relationship with Jesus Christ, God’s Word, and His Spirit to be the people of God He has planned for them to be. For more information about Abundant Grace Church visit
There are so many churches within the United States and this region. Although there may be so many churches, or at least social gatherings, not every church is making true Christians. The purpose of a church is to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the entirety of the Word of God (Matthew 4:4; Acts 2:42; 1 Thessalonians 5:11; Matthew 28:19-20). When churches fail to train God’s people to be soldiers in His army, those people are set up for failure against a very deceptive and determined enemy (1 Peter 5:8; 2 Corinthians 11:14; Genesis 3:1; Ephesians 6:11). True churches build true Christians by preparing them for war (2 Timothy 2:3-4). Not a war of people against people but a war of spirit against spirit (Ephesians 6:12). The spirit of a Christian against the spirit of the demonic army. Within the natural military time, effort, finances, and a lot of discipline are used to train soldiers to fight for that nation. Why do so many Christians lack the training to stand for the kingdom of God? The answer is the difference between churches being social gatherings as opposed to true churches building true Christians. Cities, towns, and regions do not need more churches, they need churches to be true churches that train the army of God how to stand against the enemy of their soul, the enemy of God’s Word, and the enemy of God’s kingdom (Ephesians 6:11-18). Until Christians can be the soldiers they are meant to be, they will not endure the battle against their spiritual enemy (James 1:12; Matthew 24:13; Hebrews 10:36). It is not too late. It is not too late for Christians to find true churches training the soldiers of God. It is not too late for pastors to begin to lead their churches in the paths of righteousness and disciple them in this training. It is not too late for various churches to unite, not within one building, but under the same mindset, vision, and purpose, to build God’s army to conquer the opposition against the people of God (1 Corinthians 1:10; Romans 12:4-5). Until God’s people stand as the Bible declares, the spiritual enemies will continue to have victory and mock God. The Bible covers spiritual warfare too much for churches and Christians to not understand how to combat the spiritual enemies they face within their lives. The lives of Christians depend on the training received within the churches they attend (1 Corinthians 16:13; 1 Corinthians 15:58). The eternity of so many people depends on the discipleship received within the churches of how to live for God that is according to His standards. When churches do not build soldiers of God but focus on gathering people Christianity becomes weak within the homes of the people, within the region, within the local churches, and within the nation. Churches must return to the Word of God and the holiness it requires for God’s people as opposed to being relevant, intentional, and lukewarm (Revelation 3:16). The great falling away is taking place among the many people who are gathered rather than discipled (1 Timothy 4:1-2; 2 Corinthians 11:3; Hebrews 3:12-14). As long as the presence of God is still found on the earth, it is not too late. May every Christian desire to walk with God daily. May every church desire to disciple God’s people making them strong soldiers of God. May every pastor preach the unadulterated Word of God providing strength, boldness, peace, supply, and holiness for and in the people of God. For more information about Abundant Grace Church visit
In the middle of various denominations, preaching styles, and slight differences in doctrine, every person should have a personal relationship with Jesus. Some beliefs can lead to heresy or not align with the Word of God which should not be followed, but this important relationship with Jesus Christ should be within the heart of true Christians. Without a relationship with Jesus Christ, no one can enter into Heaven (John 14:6; Romans 6:23). With a personal relationship with Jesus, every Christian should be led by God’s Holy Spirit, keeping them accurate in doctrine and having revelations of who God is through His Word (John 15:1-10; Galatians 2:20; 1 John 1:7). Many traditions emphasize a correct action but with the wrong motive. Going to church is not a relationship with Jesus, although going to church is a Christian discipline (Hebrews 10:24-25). Believing that God exists is not a relationship with God, although one must believe that He exists to have a relationship with Him (Hebrews 11:6; Romans 10:9-10). Having a family that goes to church does not mean everyone in that family has a relationship with Jesus Christ (Luke 12:51-53; Matthew 10:35-37). When churches, pastors, and Christians remove their focus from having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ where is the focus being moved to? For some, it may be a social gathering that discusses a couple of Bible verses but no effort is placed on starting or maintaining a personal relationship with Jesus Christ (Romans 12:1-2; Colossians 3:2). For some, it may be a method of keeping up appearances with other people who attend to display how much money they have and what clothes they wear or to gossip about others within the area (1 John 2:15-17; 1 Timothy 5:13; James 3:5-6). This is not what the church is designed to accomplish nor why the church is to gather together. The church is to help every believer or non-believer who walks within the doors to start or maintain a personal relationship with Jesus Christ with the end goal of spending eternity in Heaven with God the Father (Colossians 3:16; Ephesians 4:11-16). The church is not only the building but the believers who are gathered within the building to worship God in spirit and truth (John 4:23-24). Jesus Christ came to earth to be born, to give His life, and be resurrected on the third day to give every person the choice to be born again and to know God by having a personal relationship with Him (John 3:16-21). Christianity is centered on this important point. If the entirety of the Christian faith is summed up in this relationship why do so many Christians not emphasize this point? Having a relationship with Jesus will lead people to be clean, holy, and bear the Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-25). Some people are not ready for this due to having a stronger desire to live life according to the world’s methods and not the standard Jesus requires (James 4:4). This type of mindset reflects a personal relationship with Jesus is not the focus or desire of this person making them, not a Christian (Matthew 7:21-23). Being a Christian is defined as being like Jesus or being like the Anointed One (1 John 5:1-5). A person will only be like someone else when they spend time with them. How is your personal relationship with Jesus? For more information about having a personal relationship with Jesus or about Abundant Grace Church visit
AuthorCaleb Andrews Archives
September 2024
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