Christmas time is a special time of being with family, friends, and people that are held dear to the heart. It is also about laughter, joy, peace, and making memories. Traditions of having presents appear under or near the tree on the morning of December 25th is a way to celebrate gift giving, especially with smaller children. Playing various games with family of all ages or gathering for food makes for many traditions of celebration. Most importantly, Christmas time is about Jesus Christ of Nazareth being born into this world to teach, preach, glorify Father God, lay down His life, and to be resurrected giving anyone the opportunity to be born again. Some like to argue over the exact date but having a specific date to celebrate His birth is at the heart of this holiday. Even as many can agree on these things when people take their eyes off of Jesus Christ and place their attention on iimaginery figures this diludes the meaning of Christmas. Christians are to let their light shine before men to give glory to God in Heaven (Matthew 5:16). This includes seeking God’s kingdom and His righteousness (Matthew 6:33). Everything that is conducted or said within the lives of Christians are to glorify God (1 Corinthians 10:31; Colossians 3:17). Christians are to bear witness of the Light of God, Jesus Christ, not the tales of others (John 1:8). It has been said what if a person teaches their child there is an imaginery figure that leaves presents and does magical things at Christmas but when that child is older understands they have been lied to for the sake of Christmas fun what keeps that now older child from doubting all the marvelous things that God actually does through His Son Jesus Christ? Again, Christmas can have fun and be full of memories or clean traditions only conducted around this time of year but Christians should use this time of year to share about the wonderful news of the birth of a Savior (Luke 2:9-18) that came to this world to make a way for all to be born again and receive everlasting life (John 1:12; John 6:40). Without walking cautiously Christians can be more influenced by the world and its tales or culture as opposed to being an influence on the world to reflect the culture of the kingdom of Heaven. When the world has more influence on Christians than the things of God this is spiritual adultery (James 4:4; 1 John 2:15-17; Romans 12:2). One of the influences that should be evident is the grace of God within the lives of His people. The grace of God teaches Christians to reject and renounce all ungodliness and worldly desires and to live upright, devout, spiritually whole lives in this present world (Titus 2:11-12). The reason God’s grace teaches His people this is for them to look forward to the coming of Jesus Christ Who gave Himself on their behalf to redeem them from all their sins and to purify them to be eager and enthusiastic about living a life for God (Titus 2:13-14). Sadly, some Christians turn to fables of the world to compromise their telling of Jesus Christ during the celebration of His birth, death, and resurrection with imaginery figures that represent more of the world than anything that has to reflect the kingdom of God. May Christians begin to pick up the mantle of the reason of not only the seaon but the reason they were created, to worship and commune with God. For more information about Abundant Grace Church visit
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AuthorCaleb Andrews Archives
September 2024
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