For many years there has been a decline in the morals and standard of living spiritually and in the natural. The answer has been and still is the lack of Christian men of valor. Valor is defined as the strength of mind or spirit that enables a person to encounter danger with firmness or personal bravery. Now a person could say, “Encounter danger?” Yes, danger to family (spiritually or physically), danger to religion (threat of not being able to worship publicly or privately), danger to the standard of morals that are the foundation of living with one another no matter the location, etc. Fathers are to raise their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4). Nurture is the training of the body, emotions, and spirit. Admonition is training the mind. As Christian men of valor have begun to disappear for various reasons in the past the decline in each of these areas began. This world needs Christian men of valor to rise up and raise their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord again. As Christian men or even leaders, part of the responsibilities of this role is teaching the Word of God to keep the standard of living in the manner God desires (Deuteronomy 4:9). Someone may say, “I don’t agree with the Bible.” Does that person desire their possessions to be stolen, their family harmed, or to be done wrong in any manner? Of course not. The Bible teaches people not only how to live for God but how to live at peace with those around them. Not only are our children in need of this training but also spiritual children, also known as disciples, need this training. If Christian men of valor do not arise to fill this role, the decline of morals and especially the decline of the Christian faith will continue. When the proper leaders do not arise to the occasion, leaders of some sort will arise that may not be what is needed or even what is desired by the people. When light is absent, darkness will fill the void. As men, especially men of God, we should be innocent and blameless (not perfect but having our wrongs forgiven through Jesus) children of God even in the middle of a perverted nation or generation to be a light of God to all the people around us (Philippians 2:15). As mentioned above, Christian men should be training others how to care for their bodies, care for their families, care for their homes, and how to walk with God by studying the Bible, praying, and being involved in the local church God has ordained them to be part of. Many men understand the training of how to change the oil in a vehicle, how to shower, and which sports team to root for, but many lack how to train for spiritual growth. It may be due to not having a proper walk with God themselves, but until a generation chooses to arise as Christian men of valor nothing will change. This world needs true Christian men of valor to arise and stand against the perversion and darkness of sin and its minions to bring change as well as victory to generations now and for the future. There cannot be a lack of church attendance (Hebrews 10:25), prayer (Ephesians 6:18), Bible study (2 Timothy 3:16-17), or discipleship (Matthew 28:19). Each of these elements creates Christian men of valor. May Christian men of valor arise everywhere to help generations to live brighter and better for God.
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September 2024
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