In modern times, some churches hold onto a form of godliness but substitute the power of God (2 Timothy 3:5). This happens when a walk with God is not present. It becomes easier to have this form of godliness and substitute the power of God for worldly agendas to make the church more seeker-friendly or easier than churches that use the power of God. When the power of God is substituted it leaves that church as nothing more than a social club saying a handful of Bible verses and leaving room for the next cultural trend to make its way into the events of the church. This is not the idea that Jesus Christ had in mind when establishing His church. Jesus Christ set up His church on the foundation of Him being the Son of God giving His life that all may be born again and to overcome the spiritual enemies of their faith (Matthew 16:18). When popular trends, worldly ideologies, and a lack of acting on the Word of God are evident the social club with a church name does not see true salvations (Acts 3:37-38), real deliverances (Mark 5:8-9,13), or transformations but gatherings of lukewarm believers if not cold pagans that are present for the social status of the group (Revelation 3:15-16). This makes Jesus want to vomit. Churches should have the power of the Holy Ghost present by carrying out the book of Acts as well as the rest of the Word of God and having lost people born again (John 3:3), believers being discipled in the things of God (Ephesians 4:11-12), and the church being the cleansing station (1 John 1:9) for not only the people present but an influence on the region of holiness through a walk with God. Too many times pastors want their churches to be like the cool kid on the playground with friends everywhere but no real substance to any of the friendships. The purpose of the local church is to help people start a relationship with God, understand the things of God, and mature to know how to lead others in the same process they have participated in. Without these biblical purposes a church assembles and does not build God’s kingdom by impacting the lives of believers but instead gathering people to have a bigger number of members. This is evident when churches become known for the sin that is within their camp rather than the holiness that should be abounding among the people. If substituting the power of God is not a good thing why do some churches conduct themselves this way? The answer is insecurity and longing for acceptance rather than standing for the truth of God. David stood before Goliath not in the number of soldiers on his side, but in the name of God (1 Samuel 17:45). It is not with the social acceptance of everyone else that Christians can have victories in their lives but by standing on the foundation of the Word of God and with the power of God through the Holy Spirit making the difference in those that walk with God. A Christian must run the race even if they are the only one to finish and keep their faith (2 Timothy 4:7) by enduring to the end to be saved (James 1:12; Matthew 24:13). May more Christians and churches not substitute this wonderful power of God that is designed to give His people victory but use this resource to change their lives and the lives of others around them. For more information about Abundant Grace Church visit
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AuthorCaleb Andrews Archives
September 2024
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