Merry Christmas! As everyone begins, if not already, celebrating Christmas it is important to remember the birth of Jesus Christ. Many will quote the cliché of Jesus is the reason for the season which is true but some think more highly of the baby Jesus and disregard Who Jesus really is. Even at His birth, Jesus was changing lives. Some shepherds were living their lives and doing their job of taking care of sheep when the Gospel, the Good News, of the Savior presented to them (Luke 2:8-14). This news intrigued the shepherds to go and see who this Savior is (Luke 2:15). The baby was found in a manger, also known as a feeding trough. To shepherds, they understood the atmosphere of the animals but this symbol became deeper as Jesus is the Bread of Life for all to partake of (John 6:48). Meeting Jesus gave the shepherds a testimony of seeing the promised one of the Old Testament and there was a change within these men. After meeting Jesus the shepherds began praising God for all that they had seen and heard because everything they were told by the angels was true (Luke 2:20). The shepherds were not the only ones that were changed by meeting Jesus. The Magi, also known as Wise Men, had been looking for the coming Messiah for a long time. These men followed the star unto where Jesus was (Matthew 2:7-9). Fulfilling their calling as the men to find the King of the Jews, these magi rejoiced traveling to meet the Savior (Matthew 2:10). When these men find Jesus they begin to worship Him and presented their gifts unto Him (Matthew 2:11). Not only did this change these magi from those looking for the Messiah into the men who found Jesus but they were warned to not go back to the one who had evil in his heart, King Herod, and participate in his evil lifestyle and plans (Matthew 2:11-12). Jesus had this effect on people who were looking for Him. Jesus still has this effect on those who are looking for Him as the Shepherd of their life and as the King of Kings. Has meeting Jesus changed you? Have you met Him and started a personal relationship with Him? Jesus can change you by forgiving you of your sins IF you submit to Him. Jesus can change you by becoming the Lord of your life IF you obey Him. These changes include love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). These changes may sound elementary, but there is nothing that compares to these elements working in a person’s life when they are produced by walking with the Holy Spirit in submission to Jesus Christ. There is nothing the world can give that compares to the things of God. The world brings temporary emotions but permanent death due to sin. The wages of sin is death but Jesus can change you by offering you the free gift of life from God (Romans 6:23). Are you willing to accept this free gift of life? Are you willing to be changed by meeting Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord? The process is simple by believing in your heart and confessing with your mouth that Jesus is the Son of God who died for your sins, resurrected, and now sits at the right hand of the Father (Romans 10:9-13; 1 John 1:8-9; 2 Corinthians 5:14-21).
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AuthorCaleb Andrews Archives
September 2024
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