All of mankind is worthy of honor in some regard. Every person is not required to have the same manner of honor but should have honor according to their character or their position. At the very least as a creation of the God Almighty (1 Peter 2:17). Due to all of mankind being worthy of some level of honor does not constitute there must be a relationship or interaction with everyone. Some people can only be honored by praying for their souls to be born again or their repentance (Romans 12:9-10). Christians are to honor others and be kind in love. Love does not make excuses or condone sin, but love confronts sin, believes in the best, and endures (1 Corinthians 13). Honor works similarly. Honor does not stand for perversion, filth, or sin but can still be manifested through prayer for salvation or repentance, fasting for a move of God within that person’s life, or evangelizing the person that is not in right relations with God (Romans 2:10).
Honor especially belongs to those that do what is right as opposed to evil. The Apostle Paul discusses God will give glory, honor, and peace to those that do what He says and lives a holy life. Honor should be given to those that are older (Leviticus 19:32). This is a command given within the Mosaic Law. This element has become a missing ingredient within most of today’s society. Honor was a staple characteristic within many nations, especially America not so many years ago. As the last days have come, people have become self-absorbed and give honor only to themselves or only to those that do the same things they participate in, especially sin. This should not be the testimony of the Body of Christ. Christians should have a love and honor for everyone although this may look differently depending on the circumstances. Honor within marriage is another area the enemy has attacked to destroy what God has established (1Peter 3:7). Many would say that this verse is sexist or not politically correct, but the heart of this verse is for the husband to be the protector and provider. God made man and woman differently so the honor will look slightly different as well. Husbands should honor their wives to protect them, provide for them, and lead them as the head of the household. Wives should honor their husbands as leaders, protectors, and providers (Colossians 3:18-19, Ephesians 5:28-29, 5:33). An honored husband should feel confident to lead, that he has the help of his wife, and strong in protecting what he has been given from God. A wife can help a husband feel these characteristics or she can make him feel worthless and useless. Much like a husband can make his wife feel like a queen or worthless. In either role, a spouse should honor their mate because they are a gift from God. This assists each person in the marriage to feel fulfilled and honored which reduces the temptations to seek attention from an outside source. God instituted marriage with honor being a key element within the union. Honor for one another and honor as a couple to God in fulfilling the call that He has for them as a team. From the Bible, a person can see how God desires for all of mankind to be honored in some way, but every method will be different according to that person’s relationship with God and that person’s relationship with others. May Christians especially have proper honor to all men according to God’s Word. Comments are closed.
AuthorCaleb Andrews Archives
September 2024
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