Being a Christian in any period of time, especially today, requires stability and an element of being sold out to God in every capacity. Any person that bounces back and forth between two opposing sides is unstable in all of their ways (James 1:8). The word unstable is defined as unsettled, disorderly, unruly, or cannot be restrained. To be double-minded is defined as being two-souled. If Christians bounce back and forth between the things of God and the things of the world there is a lack of endurance or loyalty to either side. No one technically has two souls but the picture painted by this example is playing each side for the benefit of one's self. This would more accurately be described as being two-faced. One face smiles at God while having another face that smiles at the sinful nature of the world. God’s side is the only one that brings blessings of peace, joy, love, and stability. Some people find temporary pleasantries in things of the world or sinful things but this pleasure is very short-lived and the next pleasure requires an increase to top the last experienced pleasure. There is coming a day when God the Father will send Jesus to gather His people but the days that this event will take place are described as having sin abound with people living for themselves or for the things of the world and not for God (Matthew 24:36-38). This event will catch some people off guard in not being ready to meet God hence leaving them behind (Matthew 24:39) although it has been discussed and warned about for a very long time. As Jesus also describes this event He reflects the same scenario that took place with Noah. Noah was a righteous man who lived habitually in fellowship with God (Genesis 6:9). Just as Noah preached for years about the coming flood other believers have preached about the coming of Jesus. Noah lived his life not distracted or double-minded in his relationship with God producing the ark of safety that saved not only himself but his family (Genesis 6:8-22; Genesis 7:1). One note, worthy of mentioning here, is the ark was built to God’s guidelines and not Noah’s. If Noah had completed the ark the way he desired would it have been big enough to accomplish what God desired? Would it have even floated? Since Noah was obedient, stable, and sold out to God he was able to reap the fruit of his obedience to God. Christians must be sold out to live for God no matter the cost. They should live each day to give God the glory, honor, and praise that He deserves. Christians must believe, trust, and rely on God (Hebrews 3:12-13). His people must be steadfast until the end (Hebrews 3:14). Those that allow themselves to be double-minded actually harden their hearts or grow numb to the things of God. This creates a separation between God and those individuals to not enter into the blessings God has promised those that believe and obey (Hebrews 3:17-19). May the people of God not be deceived, double-minded, or practice sin (1 John 3:7-8) but may they be holy (1 John 3:9), stable, and endure to the end (Matthew 24:13). Christians should be stable and sold out to God.
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AuthorCaleb Andrews Archives
September 2024
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