Religion has become the focus of so many people and within their minds equals a right standing with God. Just as other religions do not serve the true and living God, having Christianity as a religion does not constitute a relationship with God. The Apostle Paul writes that Christians are to test or examine themselves and their faith in God through their relationship with Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 13:5). He also states that Christians should do what is right whether they appear approved or not (2 Corinthians 13:7). These verses reflect that one’s appearance before other men is not the heart of what God is looking for but a person that does what is right because they know and love God. Many religious people will do what looks right to have a reputation of knowing God or being the Christian, everyone expects them to be. This type of person has a form [the appearance, formula, fashion but not genuine] of godliness, but they deny [contradict, reject, refuse, renounce] the power of God from working within their life (2 Timothy 3:5). Religious behavior shuts off the kingdom of God not only in the lives of the hypocrites, the religious people, but in turn, shuts others off from the kingdom of God by their actions affecting the people they interact with (Matthew 23:13). Jesus even describes many people will prophesy in His name, cast out devils in His name, and do miracles in His name but He tells them that He never KNEW them on the day of judgment (Matthew 7:22-23). The Son of God, Jesus, specifically says that religious acts will not get a person into Heaven but knowing Jesus as Savior and Lord in a true relationship leads to a life in right standing with God. Religious facades teach other people how to act and speak like a Christian but not teach the heart of God and how to have a relationship with Him (Isaiah 29:13). The true heart of God is to know His Word, know how to live a holy life, but most importantly to know Him (James 1:21-25). Religious people seek perfection in appearance while God desires relationship. God gives those who love and walk with Him grace to cover their imperfections yet expects them to live holy lives that give Him glory and honor (Ephesians 2:8-10, 1 John 1:3-9). Although God expects obedience to Him and His Word, He wants our hearts to love Him and desire a relationship with Him each day. The heart of every Christian should be to have a relationship with God. As a Christian, a person is to be the light of the world (Matthew 5:14). Christians are to be lamps that burn light reflecting an active relationship with God. It is the job of faithful Christians to keep their lamps burning continually by studying the Bible (2 Timothy 2:15), praying (Ephesians 6:18), being faithful and active within the local church (Hebrews 10:25), and following the commandments of Jesus (John 14:15). If a Christian has a religious heart that lamp will burn for a while and then will go out due to not being continually refilled by God. Christians should not be religious but have sincere love for God creating a true love for one another (1 Peter 1:22). Sincere love does not present hypocrisy or a façade but a genuine relationship. May Christians not be religious any longer but know, serve, and love God with all that is within them (Matthew 22:37, Mark 12:30, Luke 10:27, Deuteronomy 6:5). For more information about Abundant Grace Church visit
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September 2024
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