The Bible discusses in the last days there will be many people who love themselves and the pleasures of the world more than they are lovers of God (2 Timothy 3:1-4). This also includes having a religious form but rejecting the power of God within their lives (2 Timothy 3:5). The key to this type of Christianity is compromise. Compromise is defined as to come to an agreement by mutual concession or granting a right, accepting as true, or acknowledging defeat to meet in the middle. There are generally four types of reasons Christians compromise their walk with God. One is fear of rejection. This is fear of being alone or pointed out from the crowd. The second is tolerance. This is sympathy or indulgence for beliefs or practices differing from God’s. The third is pleasure. This is the willingness to adjust standards to be “happy”. The fourth is laziness. This is being too lazy to fight for what the Bible stands for. Compromised Christians are also called lukewarm and make Jesus want to vomit them out of His mouth (Revelation 3:15-16). Christians should not be afraid to be bold and uncompromising for God. If a person chooses to compromise their walk with God to allow sinful desires of the flesh, they are lukewarm. Christians must choose God. Compromise comes in four stages. The first stage is attraction. This means something gets the attention of a Christian. The second stage is justification. This is reflected in making reasons for the wrongs to be allowed due to desire. The third stage is indulgence. This is when restraints are removed and the conscience is hardened toward conviction. The fourth stage is re-definition. This reflects the creation of a new definition of what sin is to remove guilt while opposing what the Bible says. The responsibility of every Christian is to renew the mind and find the will of God (Romans 12:1-2). Christians should live for God and be transformed within their minds to what He desires. Christians should not be conformed to this world, but show the attitude and character God defines. No one should compromise a walk with God to imitate the world for anyone or anything. God desires for His people to reflect His image each day.
The true people of God know Who they worship and how to worship God (John 4:23-24). Christians must worship God in spirit and truth. They should desire to serve Him with all of their heart and mind not because they feel they must do it, but from their love and obedience to God. Christians do not receive eternal salvation from works but through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. No Christian can afford to get lazy or compromise true worship. Christians must decrease their desires to be like the world and allow Jesus to increase in their lives (John 3:30). They must choose to let go of the desires of the flesh and give God more room to grow within. No one should compromise by giving God less room or by staying stagnant within their relationship with God. Things within life that reflect more of a life of sin and do not glorify God are counted as waste (Philippians 3:7-9). Anything a person gains for the flesh (the sinful nature) is wasted time, wasted energy, and is a detour away from what God desires to give that person to benefit their life. God desires a deep relationship with everyone. Christians must live an uncompromising life for Jesus Christ. For more information about Abundant Grace Church visit Comments are closed.
AuthorCaleb Andrews Archives
September 2024
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